Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Easter

We had a very fun Easter. The only problem was that I didn't take my camera to any of the Easter egg hunts that we went on (we went on two, one at church and one at grandmas). So, I took some pictures of the kids on Easter day. However, nobody had new Easter clothes this year. I usually get Jaylyn a dress but Diedre sent a very pretty dress from Leah that was perfect for Easter, so I saved my money.

On Saturday, we went to Grandma's house for a get together. We also had a little pre-birthday for Jaylyn. Grandma had found her some fairy wings at the dollar store and Jaylyn got some water wings with her Easter basket. Nathan got some swim goggles in his basket. Put it all together and this is what you get.

Isn't she cute?


  1. That picture is pretty funny! It made me laugh out loud.

  2. She's so cute! Happy birthday to her. Three years old! Is it getting easier? I can't remember and my child is getting harder. Screams all the time it seems. Good thing he's cute too.

  3. What a cutie! THe "accessories" photo was priceless.

  4. Love the get-up she's got on. Glad you had a wonderful Easter. Hope school is going well. Not much longer to hang in there.

  5. Wow, way to keep up on your blog and teach and go to school full time! Make me feel like a loser! Your a great mom!!
