Saturday, February 21, 2009

Our Valentine's Day

Here is what I got to do for Valentine's day. I went and had my hair trimmed and highlighted. Then Matt brought Jaylyn and we trimmed her hair up a little. I also had my nails done. I told Matt not to get me anything because I was just going to go and get my nails done. So, he went and got me a gift certificate for the whole package.

Nicki asked if I had done three blogs in one day and the answer is yes I did. I hadn't blogged for a while and wanted to put all those posts in as separate events. So, last night I did three separate blogs and today I added this one. If you haven't been here for a while, check out the next three blogs as well.


  1. How sweet! You look great! Glad you had a good day. J looks so sweet!

  2. I love your hair. Is that your house behind you? I love the colors. Man, I wish you weren't so far away. I would love to see all the things you've done. I'm getting house hungry for bigger and better, but it won't happen. I keep telling myself I'm happy and we all fit. That's what matters.

  3. I understand now. You fixed your previous post. I was trying to figure out how to get to this different blog. I'm a dork:)
